Reculver Country Park

The Country Park masterplan provides long term guidance for extending the land available for public access, regenerating the hub around the village core and other short term enhancements inlcuding a playground, car park, footpaths and signage. Ultimately the project vision was to promote investment in Reculver as an eco-tourist destination with an emphasis on cycling, wildlife, heritage and healthy living. The nearby SSSI and RAMSAR sites provided a sound basis to propose the long term extension to the east with a 200 ha wetland bird reserve on low lying farmland under threat of climate change related flooding and a further 50 ha extension across adjoining farmland to the west. Consultation with local stakeholders and conservation agencies was fruitful and built up a good consensus for positive change leading to thirty individual physical and management projects from the provision of new holiday accommodation, improved visitor centre, the relocation of car parks and some of the boundary extensions. 

Site by Crane Creative